Just a Quickie

Just popping in for a moment - nothing too momentous to discuss today (although give it a few hours, I bet you Vicki will accomplish 10 things from our check list and I'll have to come back and edit this)! I think we're all going to get together to hang out tomorrow night for dinner which will be nice. I think we all need some good, quality time together after all the back and forth this week!! :) It is amazing how different this has been, working directly with Vicki and John through the contract details then when I had an agency coordinator mediating the details. It feels much more "nitty gritty" and initmate with them. I've told Vicki I feel like I have gotten to know them on a much deeper level then I did with my FIPs, and I've known them for years now...! Indy arrangements are definitely different, and in a good way I think... It has been educational, for sure.

We're working on getting the STD policy in place, and getting the details to the attorney so we can review a draft soon - we're all excited about that!!

I am sure I will have more to talk about by this weekend! It's going to be a good one. :)


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